Edit Laser Tattoo Removal Dublin


There are many reasons you might want to cover a tattoo. From break ups and new jobs to creating new artwork. Based in Dublin, we are the first clinic in Ireland to use the new advanced Laser Tattoo removal technology with PicoSure® Pro. We can offer you a chance to make changes with treatments that are kind to your skin and hugely effective.

Edit Laser Skin Rejuvenation Dublin

LASER SKIN rejuvenation ↣

Using advanced PicoSure® Icon laser techonology allows us to treat a variety of skin conditions without the need for surgery or needles. We can help you improve your skin with treatments for acne scars, sun damage, age spots & more, all while treating your skin with care. Start your skin rejuvenation.

What is PicoSure laser technology?

we ARE PART OF AN EXCLUSIVE GROUP OF CLINICS IN EUROPE WHO offer the world's leading Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Therapy technology - PicoSure® pro.

PicoSure is the first and leading choice for comfortable and convenient tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation treatments for pigmentation, acne scars, freckles, sunspots or any type of discoluration problems.

PicoSure® Pro works effectively on:
- Multicolored tattoos, including blues & greens
- Hard-to-remove black ink
- Stubborn, previously treated tattoos
- Skin Rejuvenation

Treatments are fast and will typically need 6-8 sessions. Get in touch or call in to arrange a free consultation.

Picosure Pro laser tattoo removal

Edit Skin Clinic | Unit 13, The Cubes Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Dublin 18 P7W4 | T: 01 293 0888


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