Laser skin treatment for



What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes blushing or flushing and visible blood vessels in your face. Rosacea mainly affects the face and is most common in women and people with lighter skin but symptoms can present worse in men. It may also produce small, pus filled bumps in extreme cases. The signs and symptoms may flare up for weeks to months and then subside for some time. Symptoms of Rosacea include persistent redness that looks like sun burn or a stubborn rash. Other signs of Rosacea include visibe blood vessels, thickened skin and round red bumps on the face.

It is not known what causes Rosacea but some triggers can make symptoms worse. Common triggers include, alcohol, spicy food, dairy products, caffeine and intense exercise.

How the treatment works

Laser treatment using the ICON® produces a narrow beam of light energy. This beam of energy is directed towards the visible blood vessels in the skin. The energy is then absorbed by the target chromophore, which in this case is the blood causing damage to the blood vessels resulting in their shrinkage. The structural change leads to the body no longer recognising the proteins in the vessel wall, and these are then removed by the body’s immune system

The procedure is quick and easily administrated, with results often seen immediately but a course of treatments is going to ensure the best possible results.

Along with our laser treatment we also recommend that our clients…
- Wear a high SP every day.
- Try avoid heat or sitting directly in the sunlight
- Try covering your face in cold conditions
- Use gentle skin care for sensitive skin

  • - Please cleanse and remove makeup prior to consultation so we can correctly evaluate the skin.

    - It would be preferred not to wear any creams or makeup prior to treatment.

  • - Redness should subside within 24-48 hours post treatment depending on skin type

    - Avoid swimming for 24hrs

    - Avoid overly hot showers and baths for 24 hours

    - Avoid abrasive creams or topical ointments or heavy perfumes

    - Avoid harsh sun exposure/sunbeds

    - Avoid sauna and steam rooms or 24 hours

    - Regularly cleanse the skin with warm water, a gentle cleanser or a light oil-free moisturiser