Laser skin treatment for

Acne Scarring


What is acne scarring?

Acne scarring is the result of inflammation of acne blemishes. The acne pore swells and a breakdown occurs in the wall of the pore. Often times acne blemishes are small and the scars created are shallow and heal quickly. In more severe cases blemishes spill into the surrounding tissue and cause deeper scars

How the treatment works

ICON® is an excellent treatment for acne scarring by stimulating the production of collagen in the skin and restoring suppleness and elasticity. Treatments carried out using the ICON obtains significant results on the colour, texture and the cutaneous tension. The ICON works deeply in the dermis without the risk of skin burns and the efficiency is maximum on the production of elastic fibers.

The thermal action of the laser causes an inflammatory reaction that promotes the production of collagen and elastin by the body. Texture, colour and skin tension are achieved. The laser focuses on the superficial and middle dermis while preserving the epidermis by a cooling system. This prevents lasting redness and discolouration which is often seen in chemical peels to achieve the same result.

  • - Please cleanse and remove makeup prior to consultation so we can correctly evaluate the skin.

    - It would be preferred not to wear any creams or makeup prior to treatment.

  • - Redness should subside within 24-48 hours post treatment depending on skin type

    - Avoid swimming for 24hrs

    - Avoid overly hot showers and baths for 24 hours

    - Avoid abrasive creams or topical ointments or heavy perfumes

    - Avoid harsh sun exposure/sunbeds

    - Avoid sauna and steam rooms or 24 hours

    - Regularly cleanse the skin with warm water, a gentle cleanser or a light oil-free moisturiser