Laser skin rejuvenation, Dublin



Using the latest ground-breaking laser treatments, we can help you rediscover smoother, younger, fresher looking skin. Our treatments are gentle on your skin and work with your body’s natural immune response. At EDIT we use the PicoSure Pro and ICON, the leading choice for skin revitalization, tackling tired, dull skin and providing treatments for fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and pigments, such as freckles, sunspots and discoloration.


What is skin rejuvenation?
Skin rejuvenation includes various treatments that aim to restore your skin from any damage. Skin damage could be a result of sun exposure, underlying health conditions and the normal ageing process. Skin rejuvenation can also be used for clients who have suffered from acne in the past, which has left scarring and pigmentation. Laser technology directly focuses beams of energy to a single target. The controlled thermal, non-traumatic healing response results in smoother, younger, fresher looking skin. The energy used also stimulates collagen and elastin which in turn enhances skin elasticity and imparts a smooth, even, toned look. We can treat…

- Rosacea Treatment
- Acne Scar Treatment
- Age Spots & Sun Damage Treatment
- Thread Vein Treatment

Our Treatments





PicoSure’s unique energy delivery is a breakthrough for patients seeking to improve their skin and reduce signs of aging but don’t want to deal with the risks, pain and downtime of traditional laser treatments.

Using highly targeted energy, PicoSure® Pro gently disrupts the particles responsible for a range of pigment conditions like freckles, sunspots or other discoloration. With the revolutionary Focus Lens, PicoSure has the ability to improve fine lines, wrinkles, age lines and acne scars. PicoSure is designed to activate the body’s natural immune response while minimising injury and discomfort. Because it uses gentle pressure instead of dangerous, damaging heat there’s no need for a long painful recovery. Most patients only experience a few hours of mild redness.

With PicoSure, there is no need to sacrifice safety, comfort or convenience for effectiveness, with no need to cover up, miss work and leisure activities.


Patients usually fall under three categories- those who have pigmentation issues due to Sun exposure, predominant facial redness and those whose main concern is treating the signs of ageing, related to fine lines and wrinkles.


Aesthetic concerns often depend on a patients age and gender. For men the main concern is usually sun damage, excess redness on the cheek area and rosacea and less concerned about fine lines and wrinkles. This is in stark contrast to women who are mainly concerned with fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage concerns. Women have a particular concern with pigmentation and age spots. Women of a certain age can be effected with skin issues due to hormone imbalances and really benefit from laser treatment. It is important always to be mindful that depending on your desires and expectations, most people with need more than one laser treatment. Years of sun-damage, fine lines and pigmentation will result in needing to take the time to slowly allow your skin to repair itself


When considering our treatment options, we assess a number of factors, such as whether we need to be targeting the epidermis or superficial dermis. We consider the patients skin type, sensitivity, skin concerns, medical history and lifestyle history before commencing any laser treatment. During this we will also consider our endpoint. For example, we may need to stimulate collagen and elastin and break down uneven pigmentation.

What to expect

To see a result, we would always say to wait between 4-8 weeks to see any significant impact. We advise patients to be realistic about how long until they see results. It may appear at first that nothing has happened, but on the fourth week there will be a significant difference. For sun lesions, you will see a difference immediality, epidermal pigmentation you can see after one treatment, after four weeks and for concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles that require collagen stimulation, the average number of treatments is four, spaced a month apart.