Don’t let bad ink or skin worries ruin your big day 

Edit Skin Clinic Dublin Ireland Tattoo Removal and Skin treatments

A bride’s guide to tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation ahead of your wedding day 

Picture the scene; after months of planning, finding the perfect dress, the dream venue and the quirky photographer, you finally get your big day and receive the first sneak peek of your photos. Only to discover that the drunken mistake you got inked on your shoulder on your first girls holiday makes an unwelcomed appearance in next to all of your photos. Or, in spite of bringing in your favourite makeup artist, all you can see in those close up shots is the dreaded acne scarring you’ve been dealing with since your teenage years.  

Don’t let this be you – whether you’ve decided that it’s time to say ‘bye bye ink’ or that skin rejuvenation is a must before the big day arrives, at Edit Laser Skin Clinic, we’ve got you covered.  

Let’s start with Laser Tattoo Removal. At Edit Skin Clinic, we exclusively offer PicoSure Pro Laser treatments, the best available in powerful but gentle laser skin technology. The Pro is the leading Picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser using PressureWave technology – which is key to gently removing unwanted ink. 

But how does it work? 

Our laser specifically targets tattoo ink without harming the surrounding skin tissue, resulting in successful shattering of the ink particles only. Check out our video here that shows you exactly how laser tattoo removal works using the PicoSure Pro laser.  

We know everyone is different, all tattoos are different and so is the skin they are inked on. No matter what your ink, we will be able to treat you. Our laser technology works effectively on all multi-coloured tattoos including blues and greens, hard to remove black ink and stubborn, previously treated tattoos.  

Remember, timing is everything 

Laser tattoo removal is not just a last minute fix, it’s so important that if you’re considering removing ink before your wedding that you start your treatments at least one year before. We space your sessions 6 weeks apart and most tattoos will require 6 – 8 sessions for complete removal. Why wait so long? Because we want to give your lymphatic system enough time to eliminate as much ink as possible before the next session takes place.  

If tattoos aren’t your thing, maybe you have skin concerns that you want to treat before your big day? Of all the momentous occasions in your life, your wedding day is one that you will want to feel most confident in the skin that you’re in. If you don’t right now, don’t worry, we can help.  

At Edit Laser Skin Clinic, skin rejuvenation is our second area of expertise. Using the latest ground-breaking laser technology – the PicoSure ICON laser, we can help you rediscover smoother, younger, fresher looking skin just in time for your wedding day.  

But what is skin rejuvenation? 

In simple terms, skin rejuvenation includes various treatments that aim to restore your skin from any damage. Like our tattoo removal treatment, our skin rejuvenation treatment is gentle on your skin and works with the body’s natural immune response.   

Our laser treatment is controlled and directly focuses beams of laser energy to specific, single targets of ‘problematic’ skin. As well effectively treating skin conditions like rosacea, acne scarring, age spots and sun damage and thread veins, the energy used also stimulates collagen and elastin production, giving you to-die-for smooth, evenly toned, glowing skin for your wedding day - a makeup artists dream! You can find more detailed information about our laser skin treatments here.  

When can you expect to see results? 

It depends on each individual skin condition, how intense it is and how many treatments you have been advised to undergo. The most important thing is to be realistic in your expectations. Results don’t happen overnight; in fact, we advise that you should wait between 4 – 8 weeks to see any significant impact. Therefore, just like our tattoo removal process, skin rejuvenation isn’t a last minute, quick fix! Plan in your treatments ahead of time to allow your skin to have time to recover, replenish and be fully revitalised before the big day arrives!  

Whether it’s tattoo removal or skin rejuvenation, you can book a consultation with our team today – we look forward to hearing from you!  

Enjoy your planning! x 



Brighter evenings, brighter skin. 


So, what exactly is the PicoSure® Pro laser?