Will laser tattoo removal leave a scar?  

Edit Skin clinic laser tattoo removal scarring issues Dublin

The answer is...NO.  

At Edit Laser Skin Clinic, we exclusively offer PicoSure Pro Laser treatments, the best available in powerful but gentle laser skin technology. The Pro is the leading Picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser using PressureWave technology – which is key to gently removing unwanted ink, without the process leaving any scarring.  

Our Founder, Shauna O’Neill, explains that “by choosing tattoo removal treatment that utilises the PicoSure Pro laser, you are guaranteed not to have scarring after the treatment is completed. Unlike the older traditional lasers that use heat and damage the first layer of your skin (epidermis) the PicoSure Pro uses photomechanics. The laser is attracted to the ink under the skin surface (deep dermis) shattering the pigmentation into tiny micro particles which is then pushed out of your waste system. Because there is no heat used and the process is happening under the skin surface you are guaranteed to go back to a blank canvas without having any hyper or hypo pigmentation.”  

Having worked with laser technology for the past 6 years, Shauna understands what is needed when considering treatment options for clients. Before creating a treatment plan, we consider several factors, such as our clients skin type, sensitivity, skin concerns, medical history and lifestyle history.  

Here are a few more of the most asked tattoo removal questions from our clients:  

Does laser tattoo removal hurt?  

Some of our clients can be quite nervous before their tattoo removal session in case the procedure is painful, but at Edit we reassure our clients that the Picosure Pro allows for a comfortable and durable experience. Unlike older methods of laser tattoo removal where heat was used, the PicoPro uses photo mechanics, minimising pain and discomfort to the skin’s tissue during the treatment.  

How long will it take to fully remove the tattoo?  

This is very much dependent on several factors, such as the client's skin type, sensitivity, and the size of the tattoo. Every tattoo is different depending on size and ink coverage, but the average tattoo will need 6-8 sessions depending on the colour pigmentation and the age of the tattoo. At Edit, we also make our clients aware that having their sessions spaced too closely together does not allow the body enough time to recover, therefore, we ensure that each session is spaced at least 6 weeks apart.  

What do you recommend for aftercare after a laser tattoo removal session?  

- Leave dressing on for as long as possible after treatment  
- Avoid rubbing, scratching or popping blisters in the treated area 
- To soothe the area, apply Aloe Vera or cool pack from fridge  
- Avoid overly hot showers or baths for 24 hours 
- Avoid excessive exercise for 24 hours to avoid sweat secretion to the treated area 
- Avoid sun exposure/sun beds for 2 weeks post treatment  
- Avoid any harsh creams or topical ointments 


If you are considering laser tattoo removal, then book a consultation with us now! 


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